Credit Card Processing Services

Better Trade credit card processing service provides small to medium sized businesses with large business technology and support. Every small business needs a way to accept payments. Today, most of those transactions are with a credit or debit card. At Better Trade, we take the stress out of credit card processing. We offer our clients great solutions for end-to-end payments and all manners of financial management for your small business. 

You work hard in your business every day. There’s so much to know and keep track of, and you want the simplest systems available. If you are interested in accepting credit card payments for your small business and don’t know where to begin, you have come to the right place. The experienced team at Better Trade makes credit card payment processing for San Diego merchants easier than ever.

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What is credit card processing?

Credit card processing involves a series of operations required to complete payments made with a credit or debit card. These payments can be made in person, online, over the phone, or even by mail.

Who Is Involved in Credit Card Processing? 

When you offer over your credit card for payment, you, the consumer, are one of several entities central to a credit card transaction. There are any number of parts to a Destin payment processing transaction, including:

  • Consumer. The individual making the purchase.
  • Merchant. That would be you.
  • Payment Gateway. This technology connects a merchant, such as your small business, to a payment processor. The gateway captures payment details for customer transactions and routes them to a payment processor or a merchant bank. This is where you get the “approved” or “declined” message.
  • Credit Card Processor. This processor is the go-between for the merchant, the credit card network, and the cardholder’s bank. Processors are responsible for maintaining compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. (PCI DSS).
  • Card Network. This is the brand of a customer’s credit card, such as American Express, Discover, Visa or Mastercard.
  • Issuing Bank. This is the bank that provides the customer with their credit card.
  • Acquiring Bank. This is the bank the merchant uses to hold their business funds and receive money from credit card transactions.

Anyone can sell you credit card processing or Clover point of sale. You want to pick an agent who will be there to support you after the sale. Help you set up, quickly react to situations when something is expected to work and it doesn't. You want not a sales guy but an expert who can sell.